Saturday, August 18, 2012

BoxWave Keyboard Buddy iPhone 4S / 4 Case - Backlit Edition - Bluetooth Keyboard Case with Integrated Apple Commands and Backlit Keys for Apple iPhone 4S/4 (Winter White)" from BoxWave

One of the most current incredible item from BoxWave is now coming to you and your home. We're delivering you and everyone One of the most effective answer with BoxWave Keyboard Buddy iPhone 4S / 4 Case - Backlit Edition - Bluetooth Keyboard Case with Integrated Apple Commands and Backlit Keys for Apple iPhone 4S/4 (Winter White)". Our most current merchandise that is in a position to respond your need and it truly is out on the market now. We have been improving the clever ability and details that we found from every single source to summarize the best item concept result. Since there are abundances of appealing products publicize inside the industry everywhere including on the net too. One of the most excellence technologies and latest condition that our specialists utilised to manage this intelligent item will make BoxWave Keyboard Buddy iPhone 4S / 4 Case - Backlit Edition - Bluetooth Keyboard Case with Integrated Apple Commands and Backlit Keys for Apple iPhone 4S/4 (Winter White)" best for you and your home much more than yet another products inside the industry.

BoxWave Keyboard Buddy iPhone 4S / 4 Case - Backlit Edition - Bluetooth Keyboard Case with Integrated Apple Commands and Backlit Keys for Apple iPhone 4S/4 (Winter White)

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Click here to read more BoxWave Keyboard Buddy iPhone 4S / 4 Case - Backlit Edition - Bluetooth Keyboard Case with Integrated Apple Commands and Backlit Keys for Apple iPhone 4S/4 (Winter White)" full review

BoxWave Keyboard Buddy iPhone 4S / 4 Case - Backlit Edition - Bluetooth Keyboard Case with Integrated Apple Commands and Backlit Keys for Apple iPhone 4S/4 (Winter White)
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List Price : $89.95

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The buddy system was a good thing during 1st grade field trips and it's an even better thing now. Never again will your iPhone be alone thanks to the iPhone 4 Keyboard Buddy - Backlit Edition from Boxwave.

Designed to be the perfect complement to the iPhone's on-screen keyboard, the Keyboard Buddy's easy slide in and out keyboard is smooth and natural. The instant you slide out the Buddy's keyboard, the iPhone's touch screen keyboard disappears for even more on-screen real estate.

Your iPhone will further appreciate the Keyboard Buddy's form fitting shell and secure snap on. No weird angles, bumps, or protrusions to get in the way. So natural in feel, we call them the perfect pair.

An onboard battery, chargeable by micro-USB cable, with up to 2 weeks worth of charge duration means your iPhone won't be slowed down by its buddy's nap time.

Your iPhone will also be proud of its buddy's newest improvement; backlit keys make the Keyboard Buddy a great partner both day and night.

Other improvements to the Keyboard Buddy include:

-Raised keys to make typing faster and more accurate than ever

-Improved button layout for a more intuitive typing experience

-A larger cutout for the iPhone's camera and flash

The Keyboard Buddy - Backlit edition. A great companion. The perfect pair.


  • Integrated slide-out keyboard instantly hides on-screen keyboard, granting more screen real estate
  • On board battery lasts 2 weeks and won't slow your iPhone down with unwanted nap times
  • Bluetooth technology connects quickly and easily with the push of a button
  • Backlit keys highlight the intuitive keyboard layout
  • Available in Jet Black and Winter White color. Compatible with AT&T, Verizon, and Sprint's version of the Apple iPhone 4.

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